Here are selected comments from readers about stories in the Existential Smut 1 ebook . Excerpts are featured here to give you a sense of how readers have been responding to these stories. If one of these comments was written by you and you’d prefer that it not appear here, let me know and I’ll remove it. Want to make a comment about a story or the overall ebook? You can by use the site’s online form or post on Librarything or Goodreads. More general remarks are at the top; responses to individual stories are near the bottom.
General Feedback
“I think, therefore I am, said Descartes. First of all, I am. Then comes thinking. Said the existentialists. And “Existential Smut” seeks to give this primacy its prerogative – to seek truth in our blunt nakedness. The short stories in the volume very cleverly and stirringly address the blunt play on the one hand, the tangled aberrations on the other, that our urge for lust can result in…..One should not expect porn from this anthology (although porn is widely discussed). It is literature, good literature, that made me think. What greater praise can you give a booklet? (A Librarything Reviewer)
“This book is different. The stories and essays contained within may tickle the libido at times, but it’s the mind they spike. Through his unnamed narrator and character Lisa, Hapax Legomenon explores and debates the nature of erotica, its value as an art form, and whether it should even exist at all. Some of the stories are light and others tragically dark. Some a tightly contained bundle and others open-ended and up for interpretation. Then there are the interludes that are tied to the stories that add another layer to the narrative, and a whole section of first time/last time flash fiction. Honestly, there’s a lot going on in this book … I’ll just sum things up by saying I enjoyed it, it made me think, and I see myself revisiting a number of the stories after they’ve had time to roll around in my head for awhile. “(A Goodreads Reviewer)
“This has to be one of the more unusual serial erotic fiction offerings that I’ve come across. The basic story arc involves a young man writing about erotic fantasies to a woman named Lisa. He and Lisa are not involved, but she is reading his fantasies due to a deal that they struck one day after having an argument about privacy and fantasy. The stories tend to be cerebral stand alone meditations upon the erotic, or silly vignettes. They are not explicit in the least. I think that these stories will be most popular with those who enjoy literary titillation served up with intellectual debate.” (Jane’s Guide)
“There’s something addictive about your prose – I know what Prince Shahryar must have felt while listening to Scheherazade’s 1001 Nights. Love the interludes too. Some of the conversations seem eerily like the ones I have had with my partner. “
“Wonderfully done. Dialogue, pacing, setting, characters, premise, everything. While in one moment I’m annoyed that I am so hooked that now I know I’ll have to go read every single one written since then, I’m also hoping they’re longer, because it’s such a pleasure to read.”
“These are exquisite, thoughtful vignettes that individually by turns inspire reflection, evoke startled recognition and collectively offer considerable insight into the tragicomedy that is the constant human search for connection.”
The book is a collection of erotic experiences, I assume from the author to his female friend. Some are quite good and some I didn’t understand. There is really no sex in the stories but they are good written and thought up fantasy’s. After reading the male version story it’s interesting to hear the female friends comments on what was written. A good book if you really want to read something different. (A Goodreads Reader)
The title and description portray a book full of erotic fantasy, however that is not the case. The short stories that are included seem to cover the idea of sexual fantasies without actually diving into them. I honestly expected more, though that may be my fault and not the book. (A Librarything Reader)
I do my best to avoid one star reviews, and I find that it is usually a mismatch between author’s description and my expectation. Which is perhaps the kindest thing I can say about this collection: it’s description, much like it’s content, is pure fantasy. Fantasy that I’m sure appeals to someone, but certainly excludes many others. However, the best fantasy tends to look at the world that is and imagine something different. The fantasies in this series sadly uphold much of the world as it is, which a gimmicky foil of the idea that the protagonist is in dialogue with a femme friend…. I’m not sure there is much that can contextualize opening a fantasy series with a story of a woman embracing her “true love” for a cop who pulled her over and declined to ticket her in exchange for a cheap date, or the very “nice guy” undertones of the self-inserted protagonist who avows he isn’t just a “nice guy” while embellishing a fantasy night with “the one who got away.”
I have real concerns for guys who might read this: it upholds some really problematic and false believes about sexuality, gender, and pursuit. It tries too hard at the pretense of being intellectual and artsy, while landing in territory that seems more suited for certain subreddits. This book would benefit from much stronger editing and more critical reader feedback before circulating to a wider audience. (A Librarything Reader)
“Really well done and balanced with a great ending. Yes, love is difficult to happen because males and females have different rules for love. That is why the one who loves suffers till he is enlightened (if he is lucky).”
“I enjoyed this short story a lot. It really made me think about my own relationship with my wife and the feelings of trying to understand and appreciate even the things about her which are not as intriguing to me — simplistic romance movies, shopping….”
Responses to Individual Stories
(Back in the 2000s, I received a steady stream of responses to individual stories whenever they were reposted on the ASSTR website. These responses often were flippant, informal or occasionally rude, but they sometimes provided interesting and fresh perspectives).
The Deal | The Porn Star and the Choir Boy | Interlude: If it’s not important … Why? | Germs | Interlude: Alexander Portnoy vs. Carrie Bradshaw | Teenage Girl Masturbating – Multiorgasmic | Immaterial Woman | The Kinkiest Thing You Can Imagine | The Good Pussy, The Bad Short Story | The Reluctant Lover | Elementary School Amore | Revolting Breast | Interlude: Age Differences | Yes, I’m Beautiful Too | The Ice Cube | The First Time, The Last Time
For The Deal:
Wonderfully done. Dialogue, pacing, setting, characters, premise, everything. While in one moment I’m annoyed that I am so hooked that now I know I’ll have to go read every single one written since then, I’m also hoping they’re longer, because it’s such a pleasure to read.
I like how you have set this up…this seemingly reluctant woman is primed now to read his fantasies…and he will send them just as they are for him. I haven’t read anything else you have written yet, but the premise is delicious.
Great Intro – a glimpse of two real people and a deal – an exciting deal to explore each other and themselves, with no limiting preconditions. Excellent!
For The Porn Star and the Choir Boy:
“The imagination — especially the erotic imagination — prefers dealing with types to individuals” – I love your insights. This insight also makes me wonder if that because sex provokes responses so deeply, it pushes even the most mundane of us clear past types to archetypes. Thus the recurring categories of erotica and porn and the endless hunger for them. Thanks for the ideas.
Having worked just a bit in the porn biz many years ago on the technical side – when you’re freelance, a film’s a film, a job’s a job – While a porn star sex is their profession, it is just that: a job requiring them to perform. Indeed the presence of such a person is guaranteed to trigger men’s minds. The “Porn Star” in this story is as likely to be moved by passion as a lawyer would be to take a case for free … even though Lawyers are required to do “pro bono” work.
“The imagination — especially the erotic imagination — prefers dealing with types to individuals” – I love your insights. This insight also makes me wonder if that because sex provokes responses so deeply, it pushes even the most mundane of us clear past types to archetypes. Thus the recurring categories of erotica and porn and the endless hunger for them. Thanks for the ideas.
For: Interlude: If it’s not important … Why?
I write erotica that no one but me ever reads. I enjoy refining the story and characters until they could just possibly be true . It certainly beats watching the tube or mindlessly wandering the mall, and my characters are more interesting than most people I know . They certainly have better sex lives than anyone I know!
For Germs:
In Germs, is the protagonist Tony a man or a woman?
Hapax Responds: This is by far the most interesting feedback I have received about ANY story. I originally intended the protagonist to be a man, but the story’s overall tone and the non-gender specific language of intimacy in this story definitely makes this alternate reading plausible.
I can’t remember reading any story I enjoyed so much. Thank you so much for sharing it with us and for free. Your work is well worth payment, we who cannot afford to thank quality writers like you for providing your stories.
I’m an old retired fellow. Immune to everything. I cried when I read this.
For Interlude: Alexander Portnoy vs. Carrie Bradshaw
A neat story. I’ve never read Portnoy, so I cannot speak to it, but what your characters say rings true, and I love how you have your characters say it too. You’ve hit on a key issue in socialization. In many ways, women are socialized to be “in” the society, while men are socialized “out” of it. That difference is reflected in the way that men tend to see sex in anatomical or physical terms while women tend to see it in emotional terms. Thus the differences between the two characters.
For Erotic Interlude: Behavioral Adaptation in the Chapada
(Mary’s conduct seemed like that of a) Cowardly woman. She didn’t have the guts to tell Ted about the conflict when it first arose, didn’t have the guts to honestly communicate with him about the changes taking place in her heart, and now takes the coward’s way out by writing a flowery Dear John letter that leaves him hung out to dry without any opportunity to communicate, while laughing at his fidelity. Hypocritical, self-centered, dishonest coward. I pity Mario, that kind, honest man. She’ll do it again some year, to him. When a man does this to a woman, she hits the roof, then trashes him to all her friends. And women complain about double standards….or why men can’t or won’t open their hearts. What a crock.
For Teenage Girl Masturbating – Multiorgasmic
Your story about the multiorgasmic girl was very good but now I find myself curious to see the original video…google has not been helpful and perhaps I’m not aware of the right forums….can you point me in the right direction?
From Hapax: This story was purely a work of my imagination. But there is a great “artistic masturbation” website called (Warning: NSFW).Many of the vids provided a kind of inspiration for this story. Each person has his own special tastes, but I found 085, 307, 352, 261, 457, 616, 642, 804 to be remarkable (as well as dozens of others). I dream about them often.
Such a perfect rise in tension in the story, building and building upwards. Great job!
For: The Immaterial Woman
Really well done and balanced with a great ending. Yes, love is difficult to happen because males and females have different rules for love. that is why the one who loves suffers till he is enlightened (if he is lucky).
Thanks for the thoughtful, intelligent story. It is a rare find on these pages. I also find true love to be an elusive vapor and sometimes think that maybe a less traditional approach may be the answer.
Well written. She seemed innocent, but her goal was to control. He could have steered her toward normal human contact. Few women can refuse being dominated. Once dominated, his crime would not have been against an angel, but just a slight of a man to his slave. What right does a slave have to control her owner? To steer the woman, the man must be willing to go without sexual contact to regain control. “I don’t make love to angels. I am looking for a woman. If you want me to kiss you, you must ask me to kiss you. I want to see the lust on your face, and feel the heat in your pussy.” Yes, this story cries out for a new ending. A fallen angel would make a better story. Isn’t Luce the feminine for Lucifer? It is never too late to right a story or write a story. Thank you for a very enjoyable read. I hope you find a fallen angel just for you.
For The Kinkiest Thing You Can Imagine
Pretending to faint with no bra is erotic. Wearing a skirt and no panties, I sometimes pretend to get nauseated and have to have someone help me sit down and I always give them lots of looks.
For The Good Pussy, The Bad Short Story
I really enjoyed this short story a lot. It really made me think about my own relationship with my wife and the feelings of trying to understand and appreciate even the things about her which are not as intriguing to me-simplistic romance movies, shopping. This is the kind of writing which keeps me sifting through the stories on ASSTR.
The idea that she would play along with you in these little games…she’s a keeper.
Thanks for writing this, and like any work I am sure it took a lot of time, and caused you pain. However I feel it is not suitable for this site. It is too vague, and without the sexual expressions, would be suitable for any woman’s magazine. Please don’t feel offended, as this is my opinion, and others may think differently. Do continue writing, it can only get better.
While not as erotic as many, it had a ring of truth and mature writing style that made it rise far above the norm. Great work.
For The Reluctant Lover
Hapax: For this story, I asked readers to submit what they thought the last line of the story should be. I have collected over a 100 responses and eventually will publish these responses all at once (but not yet). Here are instructions about how to submit your last line to the story.
For: Elementary School Amore
Great story but my vote is that you find her. Even if this is for your own “selfish motives”, she would be in control if a meeting of telephone or even email exchange is possible. Perhaps she is married, with children and your call will/could bring a smile to her because she was remembered and made an impression on you. I think she would be flattered. No matter if there was an ever after or a final period to this story, she would be in charge of how or when it headed, and I believe each person would gain some wonderful feelings from the past. Go for it!
I really enjoyed this piece. I also find great joy and constant thoughts of bewilderment in the carefree days of my youth. Some aspect of your memories seem so universal that I can see how my own reflect them in some ways. Thanks for sharing your words.
GRRRR i hate it how adults underrate childhood crushes. True love is always the first one.
You need to track down this girl if for no other reason than to bring some closure to the event. One of the saddest events of my life was attending my 20th. high school reunion and confessing to a former classmate that I had a crush on her in 7th. grade. She seemed disappointed that I waited all these years rather than telling her in 1978. Our lives may have turned out differently. I resolved there and then that if I ever again developed a crush on someone I would tell her as soon as I could rather than wait until it was too late to do anything about it.
Here I sit searching for tawdry porn involving young girls… and I stumbled across and read your very very touching story. I was transported back to those wonderful- innocent but POWERFUL feelings surrounding the first loves in MY young life! Very beautiful!!!
For Revolting Breast:
I’ve read lots of jerk stories, but yours stood apart. Absolutely amazing and powerful idea for a story! I loved every word of it! You played to the complex emotions and fears that would be a given in such a situation, and I loved the duality of the whole story – the woman with her internal fears and the man with his unstoppable lust. Beautifully written, fresh, and powerful… now just finish it!!
ASSTR is like beach combing. You never know what you will find. Maybe I should better liken it to “dumpster diving”. You put up with the trash for that rare, well crafted, thing. Once again I’d decided there wasn’t anything worth my time. Then this. I won’t say it is perfect, but I so applaud your exploration of life-affirming erotica. Seems to me that the erotic is by definition a celebration and exploration of life, intimacy, trust and “intercourse” among humans in the more broad sense in addition to the literal. There is so much to discover. Fiction and memoir should allow us to go where we are personally haven’t been. The issue of how one relates to disease is huge. Some professionals, and I happen to know some of them personally, see it to be key to recovery of health. Physical intimacy provided immediate feedback/affirmation of one’s existence that can be compromised by illness and the conspiracy called “old age”. But consciousness is tricky.
I liked this story a lot. it was done with love and compassion. TRULY GREAT.
I wasn’t a fan of the writing style and spending so much time in the different people’s heads. As a woman, I found some of the stories a little uncomfortable. For example, (some spoilers) in one this guy wants to be intimate with a woman who learned she has breast cancer and has to get a double mastectomy. She’s upset about it, and he tells her that he could do it with her to distract her, while she’s still beautiful. Most of that story is her rejecting him over and over and him pursuing and thinking that she needs to stop thinking about her cancer. I found it really hard to read that story and not feel like he wasn’t listening to her and that he only wanted to be with her for her physical appearance. I know it’s not romance, but it was hard to get through, for me. But if reading about how other people think about erotic encounters is your cup of tea, this is a good book for you. It’s just not for me. (A Goodreads Reader)
For Interlude: Age Differences
I am a male 77 and since my divorce 10 years ago have enjoyed sex with girls & women (18 to 55) and can only say that I and they had some energetic, frantic, slow, loving, lusty and lovely sex and lots of mutual pleasure. Its all in the mind and age is irrelevant.
This Lisa person is interesting. There are so many in this world unable to deal with reality in all its complexity. They have to impose their perspective onto others…in a vain attempt to get the world into the box they created…
For Yes, I’m Beautiful Too.
I really liked the story aspects of this one. The characterization worked well too. This is a woman I’d like to meet.
12 years ago but so much better than a lot of the shit that gets written today. (Hapax Responds: I received this message in 2006 about a story written in 1994).
For The Ice Cube
Yes… A slick trail of icy fire over the body. Flighty touches to keep it from being too intense. Clandestine visits to all the now anticipatory/wary skin. Sometimes, a ice cube snuck into the mouth. (He doesn’t know.) With sensual fingertips as he lays in erotic repose, I let him know where we’re heading. Eyes closed, he savors the heat of my hands, my body, as I crouch between his legs and lean over him, and in one sure movement, take him deep in my mouth. The expectation of wet, hot environment; the milliseconds it takes for the brain to sort out the intense confusion – ecstasy!
For The First Time, The Last Time
Extraordinary beautiful thoughtful writing.
This last story rang true with me. After 34 yrs of marriage and 6 kids, this is more like Real Life than erotic fantasy. (I’m the man.)
I liked this a lot. Your characters seem real and the variety moves the reader out to the variety of real life, towards one’s own real life. Many stories move only inward to the fantasy life of the writer, which may or may not coincide closely enough to those of the reader.